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March 10, 2006



I'm in tears, Jen.

Thank you so much for sharing.

Jenn & I feel like horrible friends for not stopping what we were doing and be there for you, Matt & Ben.

We need to get together soon.


No worries! I understand now how, with a baby or child, a trip to the grocery store can be a major outing. Taking care of one's own family is more than enough responsibility. But we would love to see you all soon! Thank you for posting. :)


Oh Jen, I was just googling some people I hadn't talked to in a while and found this page on you, first thing. I am so sorry about your mom, she was so sweet, and had the nicest voice when she spoke. I really think your post should be read by everyone in their 20s & 30s - it's so well written. I hope you're doing ok.

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