I've decided to break Ben's photo albums down by month. You can see the month four photos here.
Ben is now carrying on little babble conversations with us and is easily amused by our silly antics.
He seems to be a bit of a prankster, frequently waiting until his diaper is half off to tinkle on Grandma, then laughing and smiling about it.
He also gets bored quickly and will order us to move on to another activity by yelling "Aaahh!" in short bursts.
He tells me he's hungry by staring at my boobs or clawing at my shirt. What a stinker! If that doesn't work, or I'm not in the room, he thrashes his arms and legs in unison to a burst of spitting "kuh" sounds, much like an angry cat would make, or sort of like a steam engine.
He's wearing his 6-9 month size clothes now. Slow down, kiddo! By the time I wash the outfit he's wearing here, he'll be too big for it.
He likes to sit up now and can sit on his own with some back support. If presented with anything interesting looking, he leans waaay forward and puts his mouth on it for a taste. He also holds his fingers in his mouth and babbles at the same time. This results in chronically slobbery fingers.
When he starts to have a non-hunger related meltdown now, I can usually "talk" him out of it with a bunch of goofiness.
It's time for us to take his crib mobile down, but he enjoys "talking" to his animals so much that I just can't do it. He still sleeps in a swing in our room, anyway. We started him out in the swing because of his acid reflux. Now we can't get him to go to sleep in his crib. I don't know if we're ready to put in him his own room, being the overprotective parents that we are. But if we're ever going to do it, now is the time before he forms unbreakable habits.
They say you can't spoil a baby, but some would say Ben's a bit spoiled with the constant attention he gets. To that, I say horserubbish. I'm going to get in as many kisses as I can before he starts pretending he doesn't know me in public.